There are many great organizations that provide powerful resources for improving the lives of Wilmington residents. Below are links to services and programs designed to help job-seekers develop professional skills and find employment:
Wilmington Job Corps Center: On Vandever Avenue, offers job skills training and academic assistance, such as GED tutoring, to young people ages 16 to 24.
The Achievement Center: Also on Vandever Avenue, provides case management and life skills training to men reentering the community from a correctional facility.
Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA) One-Stop Shop: On the first floor of the WHA Crestview Apartments, North Market Street, helps participants get employment training and referrals.
Delaware Center for Horticulture (DCH) Branches to Chances Program: Provides underemployed, unemployed, and previously incarcerated individuals with training and hands-on experience in landscaping and urban farming.
Launcher Community Business Resources: Operating out of the West End Neighborhood House, North Lincoln Street (Westside), provides business training to those looking to start or expand their own small business.
West End Neighborhood House (WENH): Offers employment training to youth and adults over the age of 16; houses the Environmental Protection Agency’s Workforce Development Program for careers that reduce environmental contamination.