There are some great organizations that provide powerful resources to improving the lives of Wilmington residents. Below are links to services and programs designed to help current and potential small business owners.
Equitable Wilmington is a collaborative led by Cinnaire and including True Access Capital and NCALL Loan Fund to provide funds for promoting growth in Wilmington’s West Center City/West, East and Northeast neighborhoods, including capital and resources for small businesses. One initial step is a Wilmington Small Business Market Analysis with opportunities for input wrapping up soon! True Access Capital has hired Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI) to perform this analysis to improve access to financing and services to help small businesses and those interested in opening businesses. Click here for details and survey questions from ESI. All information will be confidential and no reports will reflect anything to connect a specific business. ESI has asked for help with introductions to small business owners. The easiest way to do this is to provide your name and contact information along with name of the business owner and contact information (with their permission) to Lee Huang by email:
The Wilmington Strong Fund created by Barclays US Consumer Bank, Cornerstone West, and Wilmington Alliance is aimed at providing immediate financial assistance to small businesses in Wilmington affected by Covid-19. For details on when and how to apply see a summary of key program information here. The next three dates to apply are:
Round Four – July 20th
Round Five – August 3rd
Round Six – August 17th